THE QUEST CHALLENGE- A Virtual pilgrimage

The OCYM members of STIOC, Liverpool, have decided to take up the challenge to raise funds for the renovation of our church. They have decided to use a rather innovative approach by challenging themselves with various activities like run/walk/ride a bike to cover the distance resulting in a virtual walk from St. Thomas Indian Orthodox church, Liverpool to St. Peter’s & St. Paul’s Orthodox church, famously known as Parumala Pally in Kerala, India.

The total distance of 5,274 miles is covered by members in church led and organised by OCYM, who can run/walk/ride a bike at the place of their choice, at a pace of their comfort and at the time of their convenience to cover the distance.

DATE: 15TH June 2021 – 15th August 2021.


St Thomas Indian Orthodox Church (STIOC), Liverpool is a parish of the UK-Europe & Africa Diocese of the Malankara (Indian) Orthodox Syrian Church. The church is located in the beautiful village of West Derby, a suburb of Liverpool since 1845 and designated by English Heritage as a Grade II listed building. The church is registered as a charitable organisation, Reg No. 1110650 in the UK.

Our spiritual activities include fellowships, Sunday school classes, bible classes during term holidays, fundraising events, youth camps, family conferences, women’s fellowships and social and charitable activities. Over the years the church has done many charity works including housing assistance for the needy and homeless, education for kids and funding medical needs of people from poor economic background overseas, donating to disaster relief fund for COVID in India etc.


The Orthodox Christian Youth Movement (OCYM), the Youth-wing of the Malankara (Indian) Orthodox Syrian Church contributes to the goodness and progress of the Church and community in the three-fold path of worship, study and service. It aims at moulding the minds and visions of the youth against the background of the contemporary issues. We plan to reach the world with the Word of God volunteering and helping those in spiritual and physical needs in and outside the parish. All members in the Church between the age of 14 and 40 years participate in the OCYM activities.

Our motto is Worship, Study and Service


THE QUEST – A Virtual Pilgrimage organised by the youth of St Thomas Indian Orthodox Church Liverpool, aiming to raise funds for vital repairs and restoration of the listed building. Money raised will advanced to the building fund which will be utilised for improvements to church’s building, flooring, roofing, electrics, installation of more efficient heating and modern lighting system.

ORGANISED BY:OCYM, St Thomas Indian Orthodox Church, Liverpool, U.K. Charity Reg No. 1110650.

Any donations would be gratefully received and anyone wishing to sponsor the team can contact us

Thanks to Our Sponsor XCEL Pathways .

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